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Reasons to commute on an Electric Scooter

While the UK government is yet to give us their final verdict regarding the Electric Scooter program, chances are you are living in France, Germany or Austria or anywhere in the world where riding an electric scooter is OK. If you are from outside of the UK, where E-Scooter is legal, then I’ve piled up some reasons to choose Electric Scooter to commute.

In this article, I’ll try my best to avoid the word ‘UK’. Because as we all know this country is far behind than other European countries when it comes to reliability and coping with the Electric Scooter eco-system. If you go to Germany, Austria, France or Switzerland, you’ll find people are happily riding an electric scooter and obviously in the safest way possible.

If you are a little bit tech-savvy, you might think that why on earth do you have to commute on an electric scooter when electric bikes already exist! Yes, there are reasons. Despite other kinds of electric or fossil fuel vehicles, electric scooter obviously has some top reasons that keep them ahead of the race. Let’s talk about it for sometimes.


There is no doubt that cycling is a great way to exercise. It keeps your body fit and let you sweat. A cycle is also a friendly buddy of the atmosphere as it emits zero Carbon. When riding a cycle, you need a great amount of leg power to run it. If your intention is to do some exercise, then you are most welcome to ride a cycle. But if you are going to your office or work-place, then pulling the paddle of your cycle is not intelligent stuff to do. Pulling the paddle of your cycle will make you sweaty on your way to the workplace. This turns out to a worse condition on a hot day. Yes, you could buy an electric bike. But you have to consider the distance to cover and the cost to spend. A typical electric bike cost more than £1,000 where an all-around electric scooter will only cost you around £300. Plus, have you tried to accommodate an electric bike in your office space? As an electric bike is heavier compared to an electric scooter, you won’t be able to pull it up by stairs. On the other hand, you can easily carry your folded electric scooter in your office space, no matter how small your office space is. So, no sweaty-sweaty appearance in your workplace if you commute with an electric scooter.

2. Save some money dude!

The time you buy an electric scooter, you’ll start saving your money right away. Let’s start with a decent e-scooter starting from £250 to £600. From this price bracket, you’ll save a good amount of money by quitting bus or metro and commute with your electric scooter. Though most e-scooters run at the speed of 25km/h (on average), you still can avoid the traffic and find your way through it. It won’t force you to reach your pocket for the annual fair of the metro or bus. Yes, commuting on an electric scooter is totally free. Even if the distance is too long for an e-scooter, you can easily fold your scooter and cover your main portion of the journey on a train or bus. And on the rest of the journey, that electric scooter will be your way to the workplace.

3. It is the mobility and ability to store that matters

As most of the population of any European countries live in the urban cities, the space to park or garage a car is getting rear. In the near future, it’ll be near impossible and freaking costly to garage a car or motorbike. So, the ability to store your own ride in your office room or workplace is nothing but a blessing. Nowadays most electric scooters can be folded in half. It has become so much easier to carry your folded e-scooter wherever you want to go. It is not so heavy nor so hard to carry.

4. Isn’t it better to stand up and ride an e-scooter than sitting lazy?

So, the thing is, if you really want to do some exercise and get fit, go buy a cycle. It would be far better of you choose to walk or run to reach your destination. But if you don’t want to get sweaty and exhausted on your way to the office, then finding the best electric scooters in 2021 for adults is the first thing you got to search for. Then buy the one that suits your needs and passion. At least while riding an electric scooter, it is far better to stand and balance an e-scooter than slumping into a train seat. As we all know, riding an electric scooter requires a great degree of balance, which helps your hand, back and leg muscle to work. Balancing an e-scooter is just like balancing a cycle. So, you know already what it takes to control and balance your cycle. And by the way, it isn’t possible to eat a bite of Pizza while riding an electric scooter!



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